
Stained Teeth: How Does It Happen & How Can It Be Addressed?

Contrary to popular belief, there are several types of teeth stains. The most known colours are, of course, yellow and brown. It is not out of the ordinary to have stained teeth after certain foods and drinks are consumed. For the most part, brushing one’s teeth is usually enough for tooth stains to be eradicated. Brushing and flossing combined goes a long way as a preventative measure against stained teeth.

In some cases, stained teeth come about because of certain mouth factors or body issues. When something causes a stain upon making contact with teeth, it’s what dentists refer to as an extrinsic tooth stain. When something else in the body triggers it, then it’s an intrinsic tooth stain.

What Causes Stained Teeth?

Black tartar – When bacteria builds up around the gum line, it leads to incredibly dark black stains at the teeth’s top edge, near the gum. Eventually, that can spread out to the rest of the tooth.

  • Drinking coffee – Everyone knows that coffee affords a huge kick in the morning for an extra pep in the step. However, after drinking, brown stains can end up on teeth. Stains on teeth from coffee are some of the most common ones.
  • Drinking red wine – Red wine is known for reddish, dark stains on clothes and even carpets. It can also do the same for teeth. In truth, alcohol in general is very similar to sugar when it comes to how teeth are affected. Wines are highly prone to just sticking to teeth.
  • Drinking tea – A lot like drinking coffee, stains on teeth from drinking tea are quite common. However, people are more likely to attribute the stains to coffee alone. Black tea in particular is likely to cause problems, but that doesn’t mean green or fruit teas aren’t guilty of it as well.
  • Old age – Teeth form in full at a pretty early age. In turn, tooth enamel wears off as people age. This means stains can be more evident over time. Yellow staining in particular is associated with old age.
  • Poor oral hygiene – This may go without saying, but it bears mentioning anyway. When teeth aren’t brushed, tooth enamel will end up decaying. Many other issues will likely come about as well, leading to plenty of stains or full-on tooth discolouration.
  • Smoking tobacco – One of the many health issues that tobacco smoke brings about is stained teeth. Nicotine stains in particular are usually yellow with an orange hue. Both the front and back sides of teeth can end up struggling with it.
  • Tooth decay – This is easily the most serious trigger of stained teeth. It leads to black stains or at least incredibly dark ones. When a tooth decays and dies, it could lead to tooth pulp necrosis, which is a very painful condition in itself.

How Can Stained Teeth Be Addressed?

Many people are worried about their teeth. Fortunately, most cases of stained teeth are easy to fix! Popular ways include:

  • Limiting smoking and food/drinks that cause staining
  • Brushing and flossing twice per day
  • Using a teeth whitening toothpaste
  • Rinsing with water after meals
  • Carrying mints or gum
  • Regular dental cleanings
  • Restorative treatments (crowns, white fillings, etc)


Stained teeth go beyond the yellow and brown people often see. Causes include drinking the likes of coffee, red wine and tea, as well as old age. Ways to address it include restorative treatments like white fillings.

Seeking cosmetic dentistry in Lethbridge? Set an appointment at London Road Dental today! We’ve been serving Lethbridge’s oral health needs since 1979, and the surrounding area too.

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