
13 Signs That Indicate A Wisdom Tooth Removal Need

Many of the symptoms listed below are wisdom teeth that are either impacted or don’t have enough space to erupt naturally. Some of these symptoms are also present in completely unrelated dental conditions. 

Make an appointment with a dental expert if you notice the following signs or symptoms. Ignoring dental issues can be expensive financially and in terms of your health.

1. Crowded or Crooked Teeth

Even though there isn’t always enough room in the mouth for them, wisdom teeth frequently start to erupt. Overcrowding the mouth can push teeth together and result in crooked teeth..

A dentist in Lethbridge can determine whether your wisdom teeth will crowd your other teeth by examining x-rays before erupting. This is just one illustration of why scheduling a consultation is crucial as soon as you notice your wisdom teeth erupting. 

You might need to spend money on braces if it gets to the point where your other teeth are crooked.

2. Back of the Mouth Discomfort

Back of mouth pain is one of the most frequent and readily identifiable signs that your wisdom teeth are causing problems. This pain can be sporadic, infrequent, or constant.

3. Sensitive Gums

A flap of gum tissue may develop on the top or the side of the gum near the incoming tooth when wisdom teeth start to erupt. Small food particles and bacteria can readily get trapped by this flap, infecting the area. It frequently swells due to this, leaving you with red, sore gums.

4. Bleeding Gums 

Your wisdom teeth may be trying to erupt if you notice that the gums in the rear of your mouth bleed when you brush your teeth.

5. Bad Breath 

Food particles may become stuck in the back of your mouth if you can’t adequately clean it. This could cause poor breath or a lingering bad taste in your mouth, not to mention any illness that might develop as a result.

6. Trouble Eating

As was previously indicated, food fragments can get lodged in the back of your mouth as your wisdom teeth erupt. Eating may become very challenging due to the pain or discomfort this may bring. 

Eating can be challenging if you have difficulties opening your mouth completely or are sensitive to heat or cold. These conditions may indicate that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed.

7. Headaches or Ear Pain

Many people mistakenly believe that problems with wisdom teeth only result in oral pain; discomfort in other regions may also indicate that you should have them removed. Pain in your mouth or jaw frequently spreads, resulting in headaches or earaches.

8. Jaw Stiffness or Discomfort

Your tooth’s bite may vary if your wisdom teeth erupt incorrectly. It may hurt and complicate opening and closing your mouth due to rigidity. Take care of this issue as soon as possible because having your mouth out of alignment might have major consequences.

9. Jaw Bruising or Swelling

Your jaw may initially enlarge somewhat from a wisdom tooth trying to erupt, but over time it may swell more noticeably.

10. Recurrent Sinus Problems

Your sinuses may become compressed if your wisdom teeth establish roots in your upper jaw. This may result in congestion, headaches, pressure, or sinus pain.

11. Growths Close to Your Wisdom Teeth

If your wisdom teeth are neglected, cysts, or sacs of fluid, may develop in your mouth. These cysts can seriously harm your jaw, teeth, and nerves if left untreated.

12. Consistent Cavities or Tooth Infections

People frequently neglect to brush and floss as well as they should because wisdom teeth can make dental care in the rear of the mouth uncomfortable or sensitive. Cavities, dental decay, and infections may result from this. Additional symptoms from infections, like a sore throat or fever, are possible.

13. Tongue- or Cheek-Related Pain

Your mouth may be too full if you discover that you’ve been chewing your tongue or cheek more frequently than usual. Additionally, a wisdom tooth erupting at an unusual angle may irritate your mouth by rubbing against various areas.

What Indicates A Wisdom Tooth Removal Need?

Make an appointment with a local wisdom teeth expert if you’re dealing with these symptoms. If your symptoms suggest that it’s time to remove your wisdom teeth, a dental professional will be able to tell you for sure.

If your symptoms are severe enough, it’s likely time for an appointment with the best dentist in Lethbridge. Don’t put off getting your wisdom teeth out any longer because doing so could cause major issues.


It is time to contact a dentist if you have any questions regarding when you should schedule a consultation to have your wisdom teeth examined or extracted. Make sure to consult specialized dentistry in Lethbridge regarding your concerns. 

London Road Dental is a family-friendly office that treats patients of all ages and provides a full variety of dentistry services, including preventative, cosmetic, and restorative procedures. Book an appointment with a dentist in Lethbridge today! 

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