Cosmetic Dentistry in Lethbridge

Call Us for a Variety of Cosmetic Dental Treatments.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Lethbridge

In the past decade, interest in cosmetic dentistry has dramatically grown. It seems we have all realized that having a healthy, bright, and beautiful smile can enhance our appearance and help us smile with confidence. Thanks to the advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, the team at London Road Dental in Lethbridge has been able to improve our patients’ teeth and smiles with quick and cost effective treatments.

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry, Lethbridge’s London Road Dental can help you understand each procedure and determine if you’re a good candidate for a procedure. Some cosmetic dentistry procedures require your existing teeth to be altered, so be sure to contact us to learn about your options. Our team in Lethbridge will guide you through every step, whether it’s teeth whitening or other services, to help you achieve a smile you’ll love.


Dental veneers are perfect for those looking to replace chipped or broken teeth or just to improve the aesthetics of your smile. We custom build and fit all of our veneers to be resilient, attractive, and comfortable.


Dental bonding involves using specially formulated polymers that can be molded to repair existing tooth damage. After curing, this permanent solution is adjusted for finish and shape, resulting in a natural look.

Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening services allow your smile to truly shine. These powerful treatments visibly improve the whiteness of your teeth, resulting in long-lasting, brilliant results.


Straighten and improve your smile through wearable aligners that offer similar results to braces in a fraction of the time. Each Invisalign set is customized for your unique needs and smile.

To remove gaps, whiten teeth, and have an overall healthier looking smile, contact London Road Dental to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in Lethbridge.

Remember, your smile speaks before you even say a word!

Our Family Caring for Yours

Since 1979, London Road Dental has provided full-service family dental care to Lethbridge and the surrounding area.